AI for All: Automation for Improved Customer Experiences

By Ascend Marketing


In 2022, content automation does not just apply to scheduling emails. Nearly all marketing processes can benefit from the glut of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions developed in the past decade, which use machine learning to further automate and simplify marketing tasks. Marketers have increasingly been using automation tools for tasks of all levels and sizes, from helping proofread documents (you should do this—it’s easy!), to curating content personalized for each individual, to enhancing how companies respond to questions and complaints. It can even generate quality, high-value content itself, with little-to-no human input. For these reasons and more, it may be worth considering how your business can benefit from increased automation to streamline marketing tasks of all kinds.

Ascend Marketing’s Take on Content Automation

Marketers are likely well aware that automation drives good personalization strategies, but not all are using every tool in their kit. Recent research finds that impersonal brand experiences increasingly frustrate the majority of customers—in fact, 4 out of 5 say that a personalized experience makes them more likely to purchase from a company. Content personalization helps to create a more frictionless experience, and when done right can make brand interactions more unique and memorable for the customer. To keep up with today’s customer demands, responsively delivering the right personalized content at the right time requires some assistance from AI tools. Thankfully, the recent proliferation of user-friendly AI has made advanced personalization strategies available even to small and medium-sized businesses.

Some capabilities unlocked by many major marketing automation tools include the following:

These features allow for campaigns that anticipate customers’ evolving needs and react with the right content, more quickly than is possible to do manually. But many platforms can go beyond what traditional customer segmentation delivers, by using AI to automatically learn which actions are likely to lead to immediate sales or engagement. These tools allow for one-to-one personalization for building meaningful, memorable customer experiences at all stages.

Predictive Personalization

Predictive personalization, or hyper-personalization, involves campaigns that automatically predict and respond to customer behaviors at the right time and through the right channel. Unlike manual personalization, this strategy may involve minimal human input. Nevertheless, predictive recommendations are sophisticated enough to respond to customers on the individual level, based on only a few site visits. With every interaction, each customer experience becomes more deeply and accurately personalized, such that AI tools will recommend products that are most relevant to previous behaviors and purchases. 

Some predictive personalization features to consider in 2022 include:

Marketing tools using AI to optimize content delivery will continue to improve and become more sophisticated, but your results will depend on whether you can make the most of the available features. The same can be said for content creation, which can also be streamlined and enhanced with the help of automation.

Content Generation

Although many associate the phrase “AI-generated” with garbled, non-human attempts at targeted messaging, newer solutions create much more sophisticated content. Automation tools aren’t just for making content creation easier—they can also make it better.  Engaging social media posts, blog posts, and articles can be created with the help of AI tools, sometimes with little-to-no human input.

Here are some potential uses for automation within your content creation process:

AI-generated language is increasingly sophisticated, which can have numerous applications within the marketing realm. Additional AI solutions can help your business be more conversational with your customers, and thereby more responsive to their needs.

Conversational Marketing

Brand loyalty is in large part driven by the perception that a company is constantly present and responsive. Creating a customer service experience that is responsive at all times can be demanding, but the right automation tools can take much of the difficulty out of this process. To address changing customer demands—and avoid missed opportunities—AI tools can improve how quickly your company addresses issues, creating a stronger brand.

Some ways to incorporate a conversational marketing strategy into your automated marketing campaign include the following:

Proactively offering customers the right help resources goes a long way in establishing strong customer relationships.

Keep Reading: Content Automation

Next-level customer responsiveness is likely within your reach, but only if you make the most of automation tools in your martech stack. Automation will continue to bring new possibilities to marketers looking to stay ahead of the curve and create a truly customer-centric brand experience.

For more information and some in-depth discussion about content automation, you can watch a recording of our past Martechify session about content marketing and personalization in 2021. Stay tuned for our upcoming session—Content Automation: Leveraging Martech for Next-Level Content Personalization—in which martech experts discuss the benefits and use cases of content automation to create personalized, optimized experiences.


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