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Max-performance campaigns: The data connection

Quick take

BlueJeans marketers and Ascend teamed up to produce an intelligent plan for the rapid transformation to high-performance, data-driven campaigns.

Data, automation, and resource issues were keeping BlueJeans’ marketing team from reaching their objective of running advanced, multifaceted journey campaigns.


Ascend designed a plan to help
BlueJeans elevate its campaign
performance quickly—data cleanup, full lifecycle campaign architecture, and
integration of an ABM solution.

With accurate data supporting their decisions, BlueJeans was able to launch a sophisticated, full customer lifecycle campaign that boosted leads and significantly outperformed expectations.

Lean into good data.

Gut feelings are valuable, but they’re no longer the linchpins of successful marketing campaigns. Today, accurate, real-time data that reveals insights into customer behavior and intent is the backbone of high-performance B2B campaigns. Data-driven marketing strategy enables precise audience targeting and personalized communication for maximum results. Simply said, good data fuels great campaigns.

BlueJeans by Verizon, an advanced video collaboration platform to enable remote and hybrid work environments, recognized the need to elevate marketing campaign performance. But quickly launching complex, data-intensive campaigns required a skill set and resources that was lacking. Partnering with Ascend Marketing, BlueJeans was able to insource the broad expertise needed to amplify their team and run the next-level campaigns they envisioned.

“Ascend is a true Swiss Army knife for a small marketing team. Their unique portfolio of services offers everything a brand needs, from strategy and creative to expert data automation.”

Jordan Liebman

Vice President, Global Brand Marketing & Demand Generation

Leaving batch and blast behind

In moving beyond batch and blast email strategies to more robust, multifaceted journey campaigns, BlueJeans marketing leadership was confronted by data, automation, and resource issues that were impeding campaign performance.

  • Existing automation systems were not aligned and optimized to deliver the accurate data insights required for sophisticated journey campaigns
  • Important behavioral data was not being captured to enable customer lifecycle personalization by funnel stage and product intent
  • Overall lack of data integrity had reduced the team’s confidence in the quality of MQLs/MQAs that were being directed to sales
  • The company’s lean team structure limited internal resources and bandwidth for running data-intensive, diversified campaigns
  • Marketing and sales teams had no single source of data truth they could rely on to support decision-making

Insufficient campaign performance stemming from a lack of reliable customer data was the overarching challenge facing BlueJeans leadership. Rectifying the situation would take an intelligent solution that addressed data integrity issues and created an architecture for robust journey campaigns going forward.

Building a powerful journey marketing campaign

Restoring data integrity: To secure reliable, actionable customer data, Ascend first aligned BlueJeans’ existing automation systems to clean up millions of outdated customer records, removing duplicates, opt-outs, those with false geodata, etc. The result was a redefined customer and prospect base most conducive to effective targeting. Best-practice operational and maintenance automations were also set up to ensure an ongoing healthy data environment.

Architecting and executing a full lifecycle campaign: With good data in hand, the BlueJeans/Ascend team created and launched a complete customer journey flow through the entire marketing funnel. Email and landing page templates were standardized for the marketing automation system. Content strategy and creative were developed to bring the campaign to life. Complex customer nurture programs with transition rules and scoring were implemented, driving speed to MQLs.

Integrating ABM/ABX strategy: To increase levels of B2B account targeting and personalization at every stage of the marketing funnel, Ascend integrated an ABM solution with BlueJeans’ existing systems. By augmenting customer data with even greater intelligence, this platform integration was designed to boost engagement, generate high-quality leads, improve conversion rates, and open the door to running expansive, omni-channel ABM/ABX campaigns.

Campaigns built to outperform

With accurate data supporting decision-making and a full lifecycle campaign synced to customer behavior and intent, BlueJeans experienced the substantial advantages high-performance campaign strategy can deliver:

  • Automation platform alignment produced a source of data truth to guide marketing campaigns and sales action
  • Campaign performance was greatly elevated, improving customer engagement and accelerating leads to conversions and sales
  • BlueJeans recorded a 155% increase in MQLs over six months
  • Continuous campaign optimization saved time and money through marketing efficiencies and improved resource management
  • ABM/ABX strategy produced real-time alerts for sales as MQLs came in, further unifying customer experience with the brand

BlueJeans recorded a



in MQLs over six months

“With our data automation humming, Ascend helped us analyze and optimize our campaigns so they continually outperformed the original versions, getting us to real, actionable leads fast.”

Zach Bosin

Vice-President, Product & Growth Marketing BlueJeans by Verizon

Listen up. Your data is telling you something.

The days of blasting out identical communications en masse are gone. B2B campaigns have evolved into robust, multifaceted customer journeys designed to maximize return for every dollar spent. The right messaging, precise targeting, personalization by individual or account—everything hinges on harnessing the power of your data. Through automated data cleanup and analysis, full lifecycle campaign design and execution, and integration of ABM/ABX strategy, BlueJeans was able to quickly reach their goal of running maximum-performance campaigns that deliver results.

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