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CBORD case study: Leading the way to ABM

Quick take

To open the door to new business, CBORD partnered with Ascend to accomplish a complete data migration, set up their CRM instances, and fully integrate existing systems with the new HubSpot platform.
Data issues and inferior band-aid fixes to system integration left the CBORD team unsure their goals for ABM and growing new business would be attainable.

Ascend and CBORD mapped out a clear plan aimed at the ABM vision: consolidate all data on HubSpot, create CRM hubs for marketing and sales, integrate all systems, and deliver campaign-ready creative assets.


With successful data migration and the new HubSpot platform integrated with their systems, CBORD was positioned to launch their ultimate ABM strategy, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and meet new business objectives.

The great migration to connected data

Getting to effective ABM that helps a company track and nurture optimal customer relationships isn’t always an easy path. When account data is spread among disjointed systems, the patched-together network makes it difficult, confusing, and inefficient for marketing and sales to manage. Adding to the frustration are band-aid fixes that never solve the disconnection or deliver the single source of data truth that unites company teams in their efforts.

CBORD, the leading provider of software that connects credentials, foodservice, and commerce across institutional and business campuses, was focused on getting new customers in the door. But with multiple, unsynced systems in use, customer data remained in limbo, needing to be consolidated into a central CRM platform that would power new business growth. In partnership with Ascend, CBORD successfully migrated all of their data assets to the HubSpot platform and launched a full-scale ABM strategy to reach their objectives.

“We didn’t have the required skills or bandwidth for such a large-scale project. Ascend plugged right into our team to get it done and provided great value. They were the perfect solution. ”

Lorena Harris

CMO | VP Marketing, CBORD

Data and integration dilemma

With customer data scattered across disparate points of an organization, implementing an effective ABM strategy is just wishful thinking. Integrating the right CRM platform seamlessly with legacy systems also takes deep martech stack expertise many companies simply don’t have. Lacking a centralized data hub and effective integration of their systems, the CBORD team was unsure their ABM goals could be attained.

  • Data in disconnected systems needed to be consolidated in one place.
  • Complete data migration efforts had previously been unsuccessful.
  • Multiple systems in use were not integrated to work together or with a new CRM solution.
  • Band-aid approach to system integration was inadequate and expensive.
  • No single source of data truth existed for lead generation and new or incremental sales.

Global expertise to understand the complexities of the various systems in play was imperative to help CBORD get good data in the right place and execute an intelligent ABM strategy to drive new business growth.

A fully framed plan of action

Making a smooth data transfer
All of CBORD’s data from existing automation systems would be migrated to the HubSpot platform to fuel robust CRM. Ascend’s deep experience with the systems in use would ensure a seamless transition, putting CBORD in good position for data audit, cleanse and governance.

Setting up CRM instances
With data centralized on HubSpot, Ascend would set up both marketing and sales hubs on the same platform, replacing CBORD’s previous automation tools and clearing the way for robust campaigns, personalized selling and coordinated team efforts going forward.

Integrating & syncing of systems
HubSpot was selected for its advantages as a CRM platform, although CBORD would continue to use existing business software for other tasks. So Ascend and colleagues on the HubSpot technical team focused on complete integration and bilateral syncing of the new and existing systems.

Designing creative assets
Dovetailing with other CBORD projects were the design and buildout of assets integral to powerful campaigns and ideal UX, such as landing page, webinar email, newsletter, and blog templates. Ascend’s broad skill set would deliver both effective CRM strategy and the creative tools to execute it successfully.

Data-ready and ABM-primed

With their customer data merged at a single locale and new HubSpot and existing systems integrated into a cohesive data engine, CBORD now had a CRM solution in place to grow new business and nurture relationships across the entire customer lifecycle.

  • Data was successfully migrated from disconnected points and consolidated on the central HubSpot platform
  • CRM marketing and sales hubs were up and running to seamlessly connect data, teams, and customers
  • Ineffective band-aid fixes to systems were replaced with a streamlined and integrated martech stack
  • A unified customer experience became attainable with marketing and sales working hand-in-hand
  • Library of ready-to-go creative assets was now available for upcoming campaigns


of companies with
more than 10 employees
use CRM systems.


Ascend is a certified HubSpot Gold partner, helping companies grow better on the HubSpot platform.

Building the foundation for success

Fundamental to marketing and sales success today, ABM strategy enables companies to gather, connect, and analyze data to better build and manage customer experiences. Relying on Ascend’s
multidimensional skill set, CBORD was able to leave frustration behind and reach objectives that had not been met before the partnership—centralizing all data, launching CRM marketing and sales hubs, integrating HubSpot optimally with existing systems and obtaining a set of must-have creative assets to execute powerful campaigns.

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