Hack the CIO

By Thomas Saueressig, Timo Elliott, Sam Yen and Bennett Voyles


“CIOs have always been urged to think like businesspeople. But now it’s time for businesspeople to learn some nerdy magic from CIOs.” Discover eight ways to adopt the mindset of a CIO in order to advance the digital transformation strategy within your company.

As Digitalist explains, “For nerds, the weeks right before finals are a Cinderella moment. Suddenly they’re stars. Pocket protectors are fashionable; people find their jokes a whole lot funnier; Dungeons & Dragons sounds cool. Many CIOs are enjoying this kind of moment now, as companies everywhere face the business equivalent of a final exam for a vital class they have managed to mostly avoid so far: digital transformation.”


Data is one of the biggest buzzwords in marketing right now. Every organization is aiming to collect as much data on their customers as they can to try to better understand them.

Social media platforms occupy a central place in the digital landscape and play an outsized role in the lives of the customers you serve.

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